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Before you go, are you ready to elevate ALL AREAS of your life?
Are you ready to heal and release the past,
shatter your negative states and feeling stuck,
step into the most confident version of you,
and manifest the life of your dreams?
Let me know if you feel like I used to:
X I felt stuck and unable to move forward in life due to negative thinking patterns and self-doubt.
X I was constantly worrying about the future
X I was anxious and overwhelmed 🤯
X I was struggling with low self-esteem and a lack of confidence.
X I had difficulty manifesting positive outcomes in my life 😫
X I felt like I had no control over my thoughts and emotions.
It's exhausting, isn't it??
I had to find THE way to change my life so I can start living in alignment with the REAL me.
And even though so much of what was available to me sounded ‘fluffy’ and ‘unrealistic’, I didn’t give up and finally find the right combination of tools and modalities that changed my life, and that of my clients. And now I want to share all these powerful tools and modalities with you!
Aren’t you tired of being an overthinker, worrier, or constantly feeling anxious and stressed? 🤔
Are you ready to change all that?
As a Master Transformative Coach & Trainer of NLP, Neural Energetic Encoding Master Practitioner & Trainer, Hypnotherapist, healer, and soul coach, I can help you identify and heal the root causes of your negative coping mechanisms, empowering you to build the life you deserve.
Book a free 1 hour call now to find out how Coaching can be tailored to you and start your healing journey by clicking the button below 👇
The most powerful gift you can give yourself is to finally listen to that whisper inside of you that has been telling you that now is time to make the change you have been craving for!
Are you ready to consciously create a life you love from the inside out?
We combine science, strategy and soul work with proven neuroscience, mindset tools, cognitive techniques, mindfulness, energy, and embodiment tools to heal and release the past, rewire your subconscious mind, elevate your consciousness, activate your potential, and embody the most confident version of you.
Your first step is to book a FREE Personal Empowerment Session so that you can find out how 1 on 1 Coaching can be tailored to you and your needs!
1 on 1 Transformative Coaching
OUR 3 STEP TRANSFORMATIVE COACHING PROGRAM helps clients dismantle their past, shatter their limiting beliefs and feeling stuck, and step into the most powerful version of themselves!

Stage 1 - Soul Search
Access to an Online Video Course that explains how your subconscious mind works and how to harness it’s power to work for you, 4 Workbooks, and a wide variety of energy protection, grounding, balancing, and elevating meditations, tools, and techniques.
Learn how everything you do, think, feel and how you behave is a function of the subconscious mind, which was formed before the age of 7.
We identify your unique “programming” that explains the way you think, feel and behave as an adult.
We establish tailored daily rituals and empowering habits that help your self-care practice and set the tone for your whole day, as well as start to reprogram your subconscious mind.
Stage 2 - Soul Shift
Use a combination of Neuro Linguistic Programming, TIME Techniques, Neuro Energetic Encoding, Hypnosis, Spirituality, wellness, and self-care techniques to release as many of the limiting beliefs and negative emotions holding you back, as possible in the time we work together.
Learn how to easily and effortlessly shift your internal belief systems so as to step into your most empowered self-concept.
Meditation and Powerful Hypnosis
Energy work to balance and harmonize your charkas
Discover Your Life Purpose (optional, 12-week program) - it's own 21-part video online course that takes you on a deep and transformational journey of self-discovery and personal purpose! We discuss the progress during our sessions and release any limiting beliefs or resistance that may come up for you.

Stage 3 - Soul Soar
Traditional Life and Success Coaching Sessions to determine and clarify your goals. Short-term and long-term goals are established, with realistic timelines and an Action Plan to ensure you achieve them
We embark on your manifesting journey to create the life you DO want. All manifestations techniques have been scientifically proven to work, but more importantly, truly help you realize your true power, and your true essence as the most powerful creator of your life!
You think and feel differently now, so much lighter! Your mindset is bulletproof about yourself and your life, and you know exactly just how much you are capable of, and how to create it!